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Never expect anything from anybody

Never expect anything from anybody 

It is a common saying that we should "never expect anything from anybody," and while this may seem like a pessimistic outlook on life, there is actually a lot of truth to this statement.

Expectations can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they can motivate us to strive for excellence, to work harder and achieve more. On the other hand, when our expectations are not met, it can lead to disappointment, frustration, and even resentment.

When we place expectations on others, we are essentially giving away our power. We are putting our happiness and well-being in the hands of someone else. We are saying, "I will only be happy if you do this for me," or "I will only feel fulfilled if you meet my expectations."

The problem with this is that we cannot control the actions or behaviors of others. We cannot force someone to do something just because we want them to. We cannot control their thoughts or emotions, and we cannot guarantee that they will meet our expectations.

This is not to say that we should never have expectations of others. We should expect basic human decency, respect, and kindness. We should expect people to treat us with dignity and compassion. However, when it comes to specific outcomes or behaviors, it is important to be realistic and not place too much emphasis on the actions of others.

When we let go of our expectations of others, we are freeing ourselves from disappointment and frustration. We are taking back our power and control over our own lives. We are saying, "I am responsible for my own happiness and well-being, and I will not let others dictate how I feel."

Instead of expecting others to fulfill our needs and desires, we should focus on taking care of ourselves. We should strive to be self-sufficient and self-reliant, finding fulfillment in our own achievements and accomplishments. We should surround ourselves with people who lift us up and support us, but not rely on them to make us happy.

In conclusion, the saying "never expect anything from anybody" is a powerful reminder to take responsibility for our own happiness and well-being. While it is important to have basic expectations of others, we should not place too much emphasis on their actions or behaviors. By letting go of our expectations of others, we are freeing ourselves from disappointment and frustration, and taking back our power and control over our own lives.

4th Mar 2023

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